Monday, May 7, 2012


Welcome to my new blog!  I have been blogging on our family blog since the beginning of 2008, I really enjoyed it for the first couple of years, and then it started to become a chore.  The funny thing is, I missed it, so I started thinking up some ideas for this blog.  I'm excited, leave me a comment, let me know you are here.

About me:  I'm Clare, I just turned 30 and I'm a mother of 2 amazing kids. My Little Lady will be 4 in July, she is a spunky, thoughtful, creative, energetic, spirited little girl.  She changed my life for sure-I'm sure any parent can say that about their first born!  Little Bugger is my son, he will be 2 in June, he is a cuddly, ornery, mess-loving, caring little guy.

I'm also a wife, my husband and I have been married for 4.5 years and together for 7.5 years.  We have been through a lot in that time, loss of family members, two colicky babies, relocation, job changes, him confronting alcoholism, me quitting my job to raise the kids, and tons more.  It's not all been good, but we've worked together and come out stronger after each hurdle.  It makes us appreciate all the good we do have in our lives.

I love to to cook, spend time outside, read, play with my kids, and spend time as a family.  I'm also consider "crunchy", I've lately started to lean towards a plant-based diet, we use cloth diapers and other reusable goods in our house.  I make most of our cleaners (can't get away from the toilet bowl bleach), I wash my hair with baking soda, and try my best to keep chemicals off and out of our bodies.  But if you met me on the street, you wouldn't notice, I don't wear dreads, flowy skirts or Birkenstocks...yet.  (Did you see they're coming back?!)
I stay home with the kids right now, I'm starting to look into my "next step" but not sure what it will be right now.